
Use the above link to submit applications and payments for Planning, Engineering, Building Safety, and Business Licensing. Learn more about our online portal here.

About Us

A division of the Development Services Department, the City Planning Division is responsible for managing growth and development within the City of Fayetteville and the planning area surrounding the corporate city limits to achieve a higher quality of life for our citizens.

One of the primary responsibilities of the City Planning Division is current planning - the review of zoning and development applications inside the Fayetteville city limits and planning area for compliance with the Fayetteville Unified Development Code. These applications include rezoning, large scale development, subdivision of land, and conditional use permits. Planning also reviews building permit requests, signage, outdoor lighting, and architectural design for compliance with the regulations established by the City Council.

Public Notice Process for Planning Items Going to Public Hearing

The Fayetteville City Council has adopted an ordinance to amend §157.01 Notifications and Public Hearings. All notifications will now include property owners and residents with separate addresses within 200' of the subject property boundary.


Planning applications are available via the Citizen Self-Service portal. Additional applications may be found on the Documents and Checklists page.

Planning Commission

The City Planning Division serves as support staff for the Fayetteville Planning Commission and Subdivision Committee. A copy of the full agenda packet for Planning Commission meetings will be posted on the website typically on the day before the meeting. Please view a copy of these agendas at your own convenience.

Long Range Planning

City Planning staff is responsible for long range planning in Fayetteville, including changes to the City's zoning code, drafting new ordinances that work toward achieving the goals of City Plan 2040, and coordinating with the citizens and stakeholders of Fayetteville.

Current zoning and development code changes are announced on the Development Services page.

Neighborhood Planning

Established as a City Plan 2030 benchmark, City staff is charged with the responsibility of completing long-range neighborhood plans that utilize mixed-use and pedestrian-friendly concepts, as well as form-based codes, that guide future development sensitive to the needs of each neighborhood. To date, the City Council has adopted the following neighborhood master plans:

Overlay and Special Districts

An overlay district is a special district or zone that requires additional regulation of construction and development projects. Fayetteville currently has four overlay districts:

  1. The I-49 Design Overlay District (DOD)
  2. The Hillside Hilltop Overlay District (HHOD)
  3. The Downtown Design Overlay District (DDOD)
  4. The Stream Side Protection Ordinance (SSPO)


Many of the city's interactive maps are maintained by the Geographic Information System (GIS) Division, including Future Land Use, the Master Street Plan and Zoning maps; however, the official Zoning Map, signed by the Mayor, is located in the Planning Office.

Contact Us

Planning Division



Quick Links



The City's zoning map shows the zoning of each property inside the city limits. You can click on the link below to open the map, find your property, and then view the details.

The zoning of a property indicates the uses permitted on your property, where buildings and other structures may be located, how large a building can be, and other pertinent land use regulations adopted by the city. The zoning regulations can be found in the city’s zoning ordinance by clicking on the following link.

The City of Fayetteville requires a red public notice sign to be posted on a property for which an issue is being considered by the Planning Commission or the Board of Adjustment. The public notice sign displays the project number, a brief description of the request, the assigned planner, and the time and date of the public hearing.

Specific information about these planning and development issues is available in the Planning office. Citizens are encouraged to participate at public hearings and to contact the Planning Division with any questions related to planning and development issues.

You can also view this map for items associated with a posted sign.