Best practices for letters of recommendation in CS

As a college professor, I am often asked for letters of recommendation by my CS majors. I have templates, for whether the student is applying for grad school, for an internship, for a scholarship, etc. Each of my letters ends up being 1.5-2 pages. When I read letters, they are often much shorter, sometimes only a paragraph. I have no experience with CS jobs outside academia, and I'm starting to worry the letters I'm writing are too long (though I do have a good track record of students getting what they applied for). First question (with an eye towards CS internships or jobs especially):

(1) How long are your letters of recommendation?

Another question is scalability. Each letter I write takes me about 1 hour, and the original templates took longer (probably 3-4 hours each). Every year, more and more students are asking me for letters, so I wonder if I should find a way to do it faster. Hence my 2nd question:

(2) How long does it take you to write a letter of recommendation?
David White asked Jul 8, 2017 at 15:35 David White David White 970 4 4 silver badges 18 18 bronze badges

$\begingroup$ Also, it's my first question here, and I didn't know what tags were popular. Feel free to retag. I think I just created a new one called "advising" but I also think there would be value to such a tag. Advising is an important part of the job for college professors, and I'm sure HS teachers also do a fair bit of it. $\endgroup$

Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 15:36

$\begingroup$ It might also be relevant to look around Academia Stack Exchange for non-subject specific answers; in particular, How long should letters of recommendation for students be? I would imagine this question is on-topic here too, though. $\endgroup$

Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 15:48

$\begingroup$ I'll second looking at Academia rather than here. They are focused on that sort of thing. Unless you think that there is a special CS aspect. I can't think of one myself. $\endgroup$

Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 16:35

$\begingroup$ Also, you might like to visit the site chatroom if you want to discuss your question over there and help you figure out whether it'd be better to ask on Academia or here. $\endgroup$

Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 17:13

3 Answers 3


I write a paragraph saying who I am, and where and how long I have taught. This is standard for all letters.

I write a brief second paragraph stating how long and in what capacities I have known the student.

I then answer these four questions from an old Columbia form.

A. Please tell us about the candidate's intellectual qualities and academic work. We are interested in the nature of his or her motivation for scholarship, breadth, and depth of intellectual interest, originality, and capacity for growth. Cite specific examples where appropriate.

B. What are your impressions of the candidate's character and maturity? How do fellow students, teachers and you regard him as a person compared with contemporaries? Does the candidate show open--mindedness toward opinions, values, and backgrounds different from his own? Does he have any special strengths, weaknesses or problems of which we should be aware? We would welcome any additional comments you think might be helpful to us.

C. What has been the candidate's most valuable contribution to your class?

D. Do you have any reason to doubt this student's integrity?

Lastly, I have a closing paragraph that looks like this:

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If you have questions, please send me e-mail at [email protected]; this account is entirely separate from the school and you may communicate in complete confidence. You may also call me at home in the evening at 919-XXX-XXXX.

My work phone and address appear in the head of the letter.

answered Jul 8, 2017 at 17:23 ncmathsadist ncmathsadist 2,339 8 8 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges

$\begingroup$ Thanks, that's very helpful. Any distinction between your process for letters for grad school vs. industry vs. students seeking scholarships? $\endgroup$

Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 19:27

$\begingroup$ I am writing for a magnet HS (NCSSM). I think a similar letter would work well for grad school or for an employer. Generally, if I communicate with an employer, it's on the phone. $\endgroup$

Commented Jul 8, 2017 at 20:00 $\begingroup$

I spend up to many hours on each student. (Subsequent letters for the same student require only minor modification.) Mine range from a few paragraphs for students I don't know well to 2 pages for a student who has greatly impressed me and is being considered for something very important. (This is not too onerous, since I teach at a small liberal arts college.)

If a student is applying for a job (or scholarship) at a company that has employed our graduates, I will explicitly compare the candidate to those graduates. In the programming project course, I ask students to do peer evaluations, and I quote these in letters of recommendation.

As someone who reads letters of recommendation (for graduate admission), I like letters that contain details, such as "2nd highest score in a class of 40" or "strongest major in 2 years" or "created a website for the computer club using X, Y, and Z".

Something that eases writing letters of recommendation is having a student bring in their resume, transcript, and any other information that will help me write a strong letter. If a student's grades are not good, I ask if there were any extenuating factors and what I can say about them. For example, I might say that a student's grades were low one semester because of health problems (or personal problems) that have since been dealt with. I believe mitigating circumstances sound better when coming from a recommender than from the student.

Some things to keep in mind when writing a letter of recommendation (that nobody warned me about):